June 2024

We are hiring !

Interested in joining our research and development team ? We are hiring a front-end serious games developer.

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June 2024

At the final meeting of the National Research Program on Digital Transformation

The National Research Programme «Digital Transformation» (NRP 77) aims to is to generate knowledge about the opportunities, risks, challenges and solutions related to digitalisation in the Swiss context. 

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We participated into this program with the co.LAB project,  4 year research project on the design, development, usage, and evaluation of Digital Learning Games. The final meeting provided an opportunity to share our results and recommendations with the steering committee, as well as to exchange ideas with other research teams of the programme.

Photos credit: Marco Finsterwald

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April 2024

Beginning of a new SNSF project

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) funds our project “A digital inquiry platform for wicked problems”, with Prof. Dominique Jaccard as responsible applicant.

This project will be carried out in collaboration with the Visual Collaboration Lab at the University of Lausanne, headed by Prof. Stéphanie Missonier (co-applicant).

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